Book A Course

Welcome to BalletBums! Book a call with Emily to discuss setting up your potential BB business!

    Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    Where about’s in the World would you like to set up BalletBums? (required)

    Please tell me all about your dance training/teaching background and experience (required)

    Tell me what motivated you to contact BalletBums?

    Emily would love to meet you face to face. Please choose a date for a zoom call (required)


    Welcome to BalletBums and thank you so much for registering your interest in becoming a BB instructor! 
    The BB 1-2-1 virtual training runs all year round and in just 8 hours, you will have everything that you need to successfully set up and start running your own BalletBums business! 
    As you can imagine, it’s really important to me to maintain the highest possible standard of instructors in BB. I would love to find out more about you and it would be really great if you could take the time to answer as fully as you can, the questions that I’ve put below to allow me to understand how BalletBums and you could fit together.”
    – Emily x